This Deep Ocean and What Lives There video is a simple illustration of the depth of the ocean. The deepest part of the ocean is called the Marianas Trench. The creatures of the Marianas Trench have many strange and unique adaptations to live in such a harsh environment. With no sunlight reaching the deepest parts of the ocean, it may seem like a very dark place. However, animals actually light up the darkness by producing their own light, in a phenomenon known as bioluminescence. Because there are relatively few organisms in the deep sea, this light production is used to signal to other animals. These signals include attracting prey, distracting predators and finding mates. Many organisms, including fish, shrimp and plankton use this adaptation. There are also organisms that produce bioluminescence at the surface of the ocean, during the nighttime. On Catalina Island, if you were to wave your hands around underwater at night, the water would explode with the resemblance of hundreds of tiny stars. These glowing specks are a type of bioluminescent phytoplankton. It takes each phytoplankton 24 hours to produce the bioluminescence produced when touched, meaning it must wait until the next night to recharge its batteries!